Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What do you Think?

I took some Christmas pictures while Katelyn was home this weekend. I like one, Katelyn and Chelsea like another - Katelyn thinks she has a funny smile on one of them. Which one should I use?
Give me your opinion!

Choice #1

Choice #2

Choice #3


Anonymous said...

I vote for choice number 3. Although, it was a tough decision between #2 and #3.

Be sure to let us know which one you use.

Zaankali said...

I vote for #2.

Mari said...

It was a tough choice but I like #3.

Anonymous said...

my fav was #2 - the reason? well it looks like the most fun is going on there!

Zaankali said...

Why wouldn't I bungee jump again... because I found out that even though I like that "free falling feeling" on rollar coaster rides, I hate it in real life situations. It was so not a good feeling. I am amazed at how many thoughts can go through my mind in such a short amount of time. "My kids are going to see thier mother die, what was I thinking?!?!?!"

A Captured Reflection said...

I like #2, although it wasn't easy as they are all good.

Here is a good link about neenish tarts - once discovered, you have to eat them...

LeslieW. said...

I like number 3, but for a frame or card number 2 is more symmetrical! I can;t wait til I can get my girls to sit still and smile! How awesome is that!

I'm Tara. said...

Oh gosh - -I'm not sure. 3? 2? 1? Okay - if I'm *forced* to choose, I think I'd go with 3. They're all great. How blessed you are!!

Bonnie said...

Ok ... at first I was going to say #1 but then I noticed the dog and I definately think the photo needs the dog in it ! So ... my pick is #2 !!!

Cheri said...

OK- I've changed my mind a couple of times. I'm ending up with #1 because
#2- Shaelyn's bangs are a little messed up
#3- Chelsea is blurry.

Anonymous said...

I like #1, but that doesn't help you any, because there seems to be no consensus here. Sorry!!! The good news is, evidently they are all good. :)

Laura said...

I would definitely say #3. That all look really cute in Number 3.

Anonymous said...

number #3 of course,

Anonymous said...

What a sweet trio!...just beautiful!

My vote is for #3, yup!

Anonymous said...
