Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fruits of My Labor

Here's what I've been doing today - canning applesauce. On Friday,my dad brought over a bunch of apples from his tree and said that they make great applesauce. I really wasn't feeling like doing canning this week but what could I say - free apples; the dutch in me says to use them. So this morning, Shaelyn and I were busy; coring, cutting and cooking apples. We put them through the grinder and spooned them into the jars. I'm hoping they all seal, otherwise, guess what we're eating with our canned meat tonight!


Anonymous said...
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Cheri said...

Yum!~ It looks great. Wish I had mine done.
We're having canned meat tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Canned, that takes me back to my grandmother.

As for the dutch in you...that's what makes you so wonderful, cheap maybe, but wonderful.

If you ain't dutch you ain't much!

I've never canned a thing, but grew up on all of my grandma's yummy food. She sure knew how to make great food. Those were my favorites!

Mari said...

Yummy - homemade applesauce is the best!

LeslieW. said...

Yum! I must say, canning is one of the few crafty projects I have never attempted!

Cherdecor said...

I LOVE homemade applesauce! I never canned it before but I did freeze it.