Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's another......

This would be the 3rd snow day in 3 weeks. What's going to happen when they have to go to school for 5 days straight?


Anonymous said...

I was really relieved that my girls colleges were cancelled last night. It was nasty outside.

At least the air is clear today and it looks like things are settling down.

Woohoo, it sounds like we have a date! I'm really excited. I'm scared of you three, but still excited.

Mari said...

This better be the end of this kind of weather for a while - I've had enough!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Terri! Bad me...I haven't been by in almost a week. It's been a wild, crazy and busy week for me, but things have calmed down and I've enjoyed getting to "catch up" on what you've been doing.'re getting your share of snow, aren't you?!

I sure enjoyed reading the lastest chapter on Chelsey's incredible "journey"!. Amazing.


Bonnie said...

That is one thing that we never have here ... SNOW DAYS ! What I wouldn't give to be snowed in with my family for a few days !! ha ha. Of course, we'd all die because we don't have central heating so maybe I shouldn't hope for snow !! :)

LeslieW. said...

Wow! That's crazy. Wish you were's 70. Don't feel so bad though. I have been sick for 2 weeks and haven't been able to enjoy it.

Cherdecor said...

I bet the kids are LOVING these snow days. How will they ever get back into going to school five days a week! Ha!

Cheri said...

My kids have next Friday, the following Monday and Tuesday off for "Winter Break"
I think we've already had it!

Ally said...

Man I can imagine that if you have snow like this alot it can get on your nerves, but to the inexperienced looks lovely! I have never lived with snow like that... I just can´t imagine. It definitely does look so lovely. sorry I haven´t been around for a while... I am atrying to catch up.

Anonymous said...

That is a LOT of snow!!

Do they make those school days up?

Laura said...

You know, somehow it seems like the weather patterns jumped over me or something. When you girls were in school you had bad storms and lots of fun in the snow. Now my younger cousins are having plenty of snow days. Where were all my crazy storms and snow days. I hardly remember having snow days at all. I probably only had three the whole time I was in school!

I know - I'm a whiner.

Anonymous said...

A little snow and your schools just freak out. 3 snow days in 3 weeks. Please

Melissa in Mel's World said...

My kids would love that many snow days...heck, at this point they would just love to see some snow. Go figure!