Check out this first picture. Can you see any difference between it and the second one?
It was a very exciting day yesterday. After 4 long years, Chelsea finally got her braces off. Too bad I don't have a picture of before they were put on. He did show us a mold of her teeth before and there has been a drastic improvement. Now all she has to wear is a retainer. No more 6 weeks visits!!
Yeah Chelsea - I am very happy for you. Your teeth look great!
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! That's awesome! What a pretty smile!
Wow! Awesome Chelsea! I bet you're so happy!
Whatever you do - you wear that retainer like your life depended on it - if you don't, come look at my teeth and you'll see what will happen...
No cruise that's just a bar in our little town - A disney cruise would be AWESOME!!!
What an accomplishment Chelsea!!
They look great- see all that not eating gum really paid off (just kidding because I know you snuck some!)
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