Thursday, November 09, 2006


Tomorrow's the day I go Christmas shopping with both of my sisters. We start off in the morning and hit all the big stores, then on to the mall. We get to stop for lunch and then continue on. It is so much fun plus it makes it so much easier. We draw names for our kids. This way when we're shopping, we have their Mom's there to help pick out what they want. We get to go out to suppper at a place where our husbands don't usually want to go. After this long, exhausting, laughter-filled day, we end up at a hotel for the night. We carry all our packages in with everyone watching and wondering about what we've been doing all day. We get to hang out at the hotel together for the night. It is so much fun. I really don't know how long we've been doing this for, but we love it. I totally recommend this for any sisters!


Cheri said...

I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

Like I told Another Day in Paradise - I'm Jealous! You can all think of me sitting here at work (perhaps you'd like to buy me an extra present since I can't come... :) Maybe I'll come along next year...

Anonymous said...

Sure am glad you do go shopping with your sister, because I get to spend a lot of time "my" Shaelyn. She is such a sweetie, and also a talker. MARY