Friday, April 10, 2009

Gatlinburg pictures

I found a way to get some vacation pictures up. These are kind of in backwards order-
starting with the last day working to the first.

Horse back riding from Wednesday

Snow on the mountain - isn't it beautiful?

Jellyfish from the aquarium

We found some gorgeous waterfalls


Mari said...

It's such a beautiful place! The snow pictures are pretty too but I don't miss it!

Cherdecor said...

Beautiful pictures, Terri! I am glad that you all had a wonderful time.

Zaankali said...

The snow is pretty from a far FAR distant view. Wink!

Bonnie said...

The snow on the mountain is just gorgeous ! I love the photo of the red berries with the snow on them !

LeslieW. said...

Very FUN!!! You guys go some fun places!

Sheri said...

WOW! Great pictures!!!!