Friday, September 19, 2008

It Was a Circus - Literally!

I went to the circus yesterday with the girls. What a lot of fun.

Here's a few of the pictures I got.

We got in at 6:00 and could go down into the arena to watch special things. There were jugglers and clowns and an elephant doing a painting. Shaelyn's favorite acts were the elephants, the horses and the puppies. She has never been to the circus before and I think she was a bit overwhelmed at first but eventually caught on to all the excitement. Bello the clown was quite impressive. He didn't just do the typical clown act but also climbed the sway pole and walked on the wheel of death. What an exciting night!


Mari said...

I thought that was last night. Sounds like fun!

Cheri said...

Glad you had a good time!

Jen said...

How fun! Our circus is always so lame so we hardly ever go. Glad you guys had a good time.

Cherdecor said...

I like the picture of those two clowns with the red noses the best! Ha! Ha!

Laura said...

We thought about going to the circus because I thought it looked like fun, but our weekend got to busy - maybe next time!

LeslieW. said...

Wow! That looks awesome! I have never been to the circus! I'm sure I will get that opportunity someday soon with the girls! Glad y'all had a great time!

I'm Tara. said...

I'm glad they had a good time! :)

Anonymous said...

i talked to a girl on our floor and she went too!

Sheri said...

WOW! A real circus- I haven't been to one of those in a while!:)

The Birds Nest said...

I will hopefully be taking Annie to the circus one of these days!! Looks like fun and I always love the junk food!!

Anonymous said...

These are the things of the U.S. that I miss-----really enjoyed living vicariously through this Blog post!