Thursday, September 18, 2008

Did You Experience the Hurricane?

On Sunday afternoon when it was pouring rain, Dave was outside digging trenches for move the water in a different direction. Shaelyn went outside to "help" him, carrying her umbrella. She was busy telling him - I can't believe I'm in a hurricane, I've never been in a hurricane before. I guess things always seem to be a lot bigger when you're smaller!


Cheri said...

That is so funny!

Sheri said...

VERY cute!!:)

Mari said...

I love that - it's so Shaelyn!

Cherdecor said...

I have been in the remnants of a few but nothing like Ike when it hit and continued to go up the middle of our states.

One of our relatives near Cincinnati lost all their siding, ruined their roof and bowed in the garage door from the remnants of Ike. I never heard of a storm doing so much damage that far away from the coast.