Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Works for Me Wednesday

Actually, this is a trick that Chelsea wanted to share. Do you know how dirty your flip flops get when wearing them? Using an old toothbrush and some dish soap - scrub them. It's amazing what a difference it makes. Here is a picture of one of her shoes before and after she scrubbed it. Amazing, huh?


Short Stop said...

Oh my word. That is amazing. What a difference.

Thanks, Chelsea.

I'm gonna work on my favorite pair this afternoon!

Zaankali said...

That picture is the perfect picture to explain to my precious daughters why I never buy them white flip flops! LOL!

Cherdecor said...

Thank Chelsea for the tips. That is amazing!

Mari said...

Wow - they look brand new!

Dena said...

that's awesome!

LeslieW. said...

That is great! I can't believe you wore those! DIRTY!