ends and the neighbors begins....
Maybe it's because the neighbor is always doing this...

I am a christian wife and mom to 3 kids. Two biological and 1 adopted from China. Some of our interests are: camping, swimming, and spending time together. I enjoy scrapbooking as well as playing flute in church, playing softball and volleyball. I love talking to others about adoption, especially China.
My blog is worth $34,436.94.
How much is your blog worth?
Well - you know what to do then - get busy!
Just tell him that you are raising a crop for dandilion wine. :)
Darn those neighbors who take care of their yards!
I know your pain. I will have to post some pictures myself to make you feel better.
Gorgeous yard by the way, yellow flowers and all!
What exactly is he doing? Picking them out one-by-one? If so you have your work cut out for you.
Yup- I feel your pain. You know my neighbor is out there picking them one by one too!
Maybe it has something to do with being retired!
My dad would be like your neighbor. Trims with small hand scissors, trims bushes many times a year, etc... It's very exhausting just watching him:) By the way, I REALLY think that I need to work on moving you and your sisters down here:) Well, at least for a visit!!
it's soo pretty! it's like a flower fields - Mari was just blogging about flowers! We ARE sisters - my yard looks JUST like that except my flowers are white - and I have a yard man!
Yellow is beautiful!!! and you get back aches from all that work. Enjoy the yellow..hugs
I prefer yellow flowers myself!!!
I like the yellow !!!!
You,my dear, are helping those poor honey bees! Bees are having a rough year making honey and I just read today that Dandelions supply food for the bees!
Also, have you ever eaten Dandelion Greens? If you do, then you have food to eat for a while!
Yellow is one of my favorite colors. It makes me happy so I suspect that every time you look down upon that yard, it makes you smile!
If you were closer, we could come spray it for you! I bet Abby would love to pick them too.
HA! That looks like ours....I am not a big chemical fan, so I keep refusing to let JOn call someone.....Its jsut grass right? Although I know some people relaly like it nice and neat:)
Wow, what an amazing view you have!!!!!
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